David Dalton
2021-01-15 14:38:00 UTC
About 6 a.m. this morning I was hit by a black magick spell
that I immediately funnelled and then divined that it was
an anti-religious-leader spell (designed to reduce my
potential as a religious leader). Since in adjusted form
it will now work only on major and extreme criminal
religious leaders, I then thought of my region, thought
of major and extreme criminal religious leaders (those ordained
by human or humans to priest level or equivalent or
higher and other spiritual leaders [including new age
leaders, cult leaders, and gurus] of at least 5000),
thought of the spell that had hit me, and directed it
by imagining a clear sky lightning bolt that I observed
here in St. John’s in I think 1990 and which I somehow
associate with the dead fiddler Rufus Guinchard,
within my region, and then I got a strong closure (P).
Moreover, since past instances of the spell that were
having an ongoing effect were also adjusted, there
was a rebound for medium, major, and extreme
good individuals, mostly women, that the spell had
been on.
I then thought of applying the spell to criminal political
leaders but could not. So I devised a new spell,
basically a visualization of an inversion of the
Great Pyramid inside my region, and applied it to
major and extreme criminal political, military (including
militia/warlord/rebel/terrorist), and corporate leaders
globally, and got a strong closure (P).
Now these were the first improvised big magickal workings
I have done mostly on my own in some time, mostly
lately I have been invoking Gaia, Sola, Luna, and
Ghuman1 to help with old workings that I may have
pushed on my own once but not recently, and basically
I had been going over the same old ground with not
many (but some) improvements. But this morning
after I did the two improvised workings I think I
may have been rewarded with the (same old)
four components material starting to take effect
as well. However, both for the two new inversion
spells and the same old stuff (including the warning
signs for criminals and the charisma modulation)
I will have to wait and see what happens in the
coming days, and indeed will re-evaluate things
tonight as well.
that I immediately funnelled and then divined that it was
an anti-religious-leader spell (designed to reduce my
potential as a religious leader). Since in adjusted form
it will now work only on major and extreme criminal
religious leaders, I then thought of my region, thought
of major and extreme criminal religious leaders (those ordained
by human or humans to priest level or equivalent or
higher and other spiritual leaders [including new age
leaders, cult leaders, and gurus] of at least 5000),
thought of the spell that had hit me, and directed it
by imagining a clear sky lightning bolt that I observed
here in St. John’s in I think 1990 and which I somehow
associate with the dead fiddler Rufus Guinchard,
within my region, and then I got a strong closure (P).
Moreover, since past instances of the spell that were
having an ongoing effect were also adjusted, there
was a rebound for medium, major, and extreme
good individuals, mostly women, that the spell had
been on.
I then thought of applying the spell to criminal political
leaders but could not. So I devised a new spell,
basically a visualization of an inversion of the
Great Pyramid inside my region, and applied it to
major and extreme criminal political, military (including
militia/warlord/rebel/terrorist), and corporate leaders
globally, and got a strong closure (P).
Now these were the first improvised big magickal workings
I have done mostly on my own in some time, mostly
lately I have been invoking Gaia, Sola, Luna, and
Ghuman1 to help with old workings that I may have
pushed on my own once but not recently, and basically
I had been going over the same old ground with not
many (but some) improvements. But this morning
after I did the two improvised workings I think I
may have been rewarded with the (same old)
four components material starting to take effect
as well. However, both for the two new inversion
spells and the same old stuff (including the warning
signs for criminals and the charisma modulation)
I will have to wait and see what happens in the
coming days, and indeed will re-evaluate things
tonight as well.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And now the angry morning/Gives the early signs of warning/You must face
alone the plans you make/Decisions they will try to break" (Sarah McLachlan)
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And now the angry morning/Gives the early signs of warning/You must face
alone the plans you make/Decisions they will try to break" (Sarah McLachlan)