early morning improvisation
(too old to reply)
David Dalton
2021-01-15 14:38:00 UTC
About 6 a.m. this morning I was hit by a black magick spell
that I immediately funnelled and then divined that it was
an anti-religious-leader spell (designed to reduce my
potential as a religious leader). Since in adjusted form
it will now work only on major and extreme criminal
religious leaders, I then thought of my region, thought
of major and extreme criminal religious leaders (those ordained
by human or humans to priest level or equivalent or
higher and other spiritual leaders [including new age
leaders, cult leaders, and gurus] of at least 5000),
thought of the spell that had hit me, and directed it
by imagining a clear sky lightning bolt that I observed
here in St. John’s in I think 1990 and which I somehow
associate with the dead fiddler Rufus Guinchard,
within my region, and then I got a strong closure (P).

Moreover, since past instances of the spell that were
having an ongoing effect were also adjusted, there
was a rebound for medium, major, and extreme
good individuals, mostly women, that the spell had
been on.

I then thought of applying the spell to criminal political
leaders but could not. So I devised a new spell,
basically a visualization of an inversion of the
Great Pyramid inside my region, and applied it to
major and extreme criminal political, military (including
militia/warlord/rebel/terrorist), and corporate leaders
globally, and got a strong closure (P).

Now these were the first improvised big magickal workings
I have done mostly on my own in some time, mostly
lately I have been invoking Gaia, Sola, Luna, and
Ghuman1 to help with old workings that I may have
pushed on my own once but not recently, and basically
I had been going over the same old ground with not
many (but some) improvements. But this morning
after I did the two improvised workings I think I
may have been rewarded with the (same old)
four components material starting to take effect
as well. However, both for the two new inversion
spells and the same old stuff (including the warning
signs for criminals and the charisma modulation)
I will have to wait and see what happens in the
coming days, and indeed will re-evaluate things
tonight as well.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And now the angry morning/Gives the early signs of warning/You must face
alone the plans you make/Decisions they will try to break" (Sarah McLachlan)
David Dalton
2021-01-15 22:04:20 UTC
Post by David Dalton
About 6 a.m. this morning I was hit by a black magick spell
that I immediately funnelled and then divined that it was
an anti-religious-leader spell (designed to reduce my
potential as a religious leader). Since in adjusted form
it will now work only on major and extreme criminal
religious leaders, I then thought of my region, thought
of major and extreme criminal religious leaders (those ordained
by human or humans to priest level or equivalent or
higher and other spiritual leaders [including new age
leaders, cult leaders, and gurus] of at least 5000),
thought of the spell that had hit me, and directed it
by imagining a clear sky lightning bolt that I observed
here in St. John’s in I think 1990 and which I somehow
associate with the dead fiddler Rufus Guinchard,
within my region, and then I got a strong closure (P).
Moreover, since past instances of the spell that were
having an ongoing effect were also adjusted, there
was a rebound for medium, major, and extreme
good individuals, mostly women, that the spell had
been on.
OK, my perineum click divination hasn’t been very reliable
over the years, but here are some results from it. There
were about 20,000 individuals globally who rebounded of whom
2000 are not assisted shaktipat recipients, and 1500 of those
are women and 500 are men. Of the 20,000,
18,000 are assisted shaktipat recipients, and of
those 17.500 are women and 500 are men. Of the
17,500, 13,000 are prophetess singer songwriters
who had great success or showed great potential in their early
days but recently have been suppressed. These include
my top four women: Sarah McLachlan (head of Lilith Fair),
Tanita Tikaram (best known for her first album Ancient Heart),
Liz Solo, and Sinead O’Connor. Some others in the
17,500 are Ferron, Gioia Irwin, and two young women
who were recently targeted: Malala Yousafzai and
Greta Thunberg. Two deceased men who were targeted
in the past are Noel Dinn (co-leader of Figgy Duff) and
Ron Hynes, so a few male prophet singer/songwriters are
included as well, as are some poets, theologians,
ordained, and protestors of both genders.

Of the 18,000 about half are in what I called stage 1 and
stage 2 back when I had four stages, where stage 1
is assisted shaktipat recipients in traditional native spirituality,
shamanistic religion, tribal religion, traditional paganism,
and fusion of any of those four with another religion
where the other religion is at most 45% of the belef
system. Stage 2 is assisted shaktipat recipients
in neopaganism, heathenism, magick (when it is
the primary belief system, e.g. thelema), satanism,
Chinese Folk Religion (and similar), new age religion,
and fusion of any of the first four of stage 1 with another
religion where the other religion is at most 80% of the
belief system. (It could be that it is < 45%,
and < 80%, but I am not going to dig through my
notes right now.) And I think e.g. many native Christians
do follow at least 20% native spirituality.

This morning I also experienced an unusual nose wrinkle
when I was thinking of an older musician, and I funnelled
it, so I have funnelled a bias against older musicians.
and I was surprised that that had not been funnelled
before in the last 11,000 years. (So now the bias I
think has been adjusted to no bias for or against.)
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And now the angry morning/Gives the early signs of warning/You must face
alone the plans you make/Decisions they will try to break" (Sarah McLachlan)
David Dalton
2021-01-16 00:27:14 UTC
Post by David Dalton
OK, my perineum click divination hasn’t been very reliable
over the years, but here are some results from it. There
were about 20,000 individuals globally who rebounded of whom
2000 are not assisted shaktipat recipients, and 1500 of those
are women and 500 are men. Of the 20,000,
18,000 are assisted shaktipat recipients, and of
those 17.500 are women and 500 are men.
Oops, I was forgetting my eight sexual harmonics theory, which
is summarized near the end of the Recent Changes section
of my Salmon on the Thorns web page and which might
prove useful to assisted shaktipat recipients who now have
accurate matchmaking ability.

17,500 are women and trans women
500 are men and trans men and multi-spirit (which I define
differently than trans).

At it seems that singer/songwriters who are staunchly
faithful in a major religion or who are atheist have not
been targeted (e.g. maybe Jewel and Madonna), just
dissidents within major religions plus many in smaller
religions, and mostly women and trans women.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And now the angry morning/Gives the early signs of warning/You must face
alone the plans you make/Decisions they will try to break" (Sarah McLachlan)
David Dalton
2021-01-16 03:51:24 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Post by David Dalton
About 6 a.m. this morning I was hit by a black magick spell
that I immediately funnelled and then divined that it was
an anti-religious-leader spell (designed to reduce my
potential as a religious leader). Since in adjusted form
it will now work only on major and extreme criminal
religious leaders, I then thought of my region, thought
of major and extreme criminal religious leaders (those ordained
by human or humans to priest level or equivalent or
higher and other spiritual leaders [including new age
leaders, cult leaders, and gurus] of at least 5000),
thought of the spell that had hit me, and directed it
by imagining a clear sky lightning bolt that I observed
here in St. John’s in I think 1990 and which I somehow
associate with the dead fiddler Rufus Guinchard,
within my region, and then I got a strong closure (P).
Moreover, since past instances of the spell that were
having an ongoing effect were also adjusted, there
was a rebound for medium, major, and extreme
good individuals, mostly women, that the spell had
been on.
OK, my perineum click divination hasn’t been very reliable
over the years, but here are some results from it. There
were about 20,000 individuals globally who rebounded of whom
2000 are not assisted shaktipat recipients, and 1500 of those
are women and 500 are men. Of the 20,000,
18,000 are assisted shaktipat recipients, and of
those 17.500 are women and 500 are men. Of the
17,500, 13,000 are prophetess singer songwriters
who had great success or showed great potential in their early
days but recently have been suppressed. These include
my top four women: Sarah McLachlan (head of Lilith Fair),
Tanita Tikaram (best known for her first album Ancient Heart),
Liz Solo, and Sinead O’Connor. Some others in the
17,500 are Ferron, Gioia Irwin, and two young women
who were recently targeted: Malala Yousafzai and
Greta Thunberg. Two deceased men who were targeted
in the past are Noel Dinn (co-leader of Figgy Duff) and
Ron Hynes, so a few male prophet singer/songwriters are
included as well, as are some poets, theologians,
ordained, and protestors of both genders.
I think my close friend Jim Fidler is also among those
who were targeted (he had early success with his
reggae band Pressure Drop and his solo celtic folk
album Gypsy; his web page is http://www.jimfidler.com ).
It seems that Newfoundland (and the Avalon peninsula)
has more rebound cases than would be expected
given our small population.

Was the spell on anyone who is minor good or worse
(before I directed the adjusted form at many who are
major criminal or extreme criminal)? No, the worst
who it was on is medium good.

Who determines criminality levels for the main stack
healing circle prescriptions? The committee of
Gaia, Sola, Luna, and Ghuman1, who are the
chairs or moderators or inner circle of the healing

An example of a medium crime is a rape of an adult.
Two examples of a major crime are a rape of a child
or a murder of an adult. Examples of extreme
crimes would be several murders of adults (including
in combat, and especially if those murdered were
civilian) ora murder of a child. Someone who
preached homophobia such that the preaching
resulted in a suicide would be guilty of manslaughter
and the mildest degree of major crime if the one
who died was an adult or a worse degree of major
crime if the one who died was a child (under 18).
Someone who covered up multiple child sexual
abuse would be guilty of a major crime, and that
might include some cardinals and possibly retired
pope Benedict, though I hope he follows his
healing circle prescription and thus gets healing of
his Parkinson’s disease and possibly very long life.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And now the angry morning/Gives the early signs of warning/You must face
alone the plans you make/Decisions they will try to break" (Sarah McLachlan)
David Dalton
2021-01-16 05:26:27 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Someone who covered up multiple child sexual
abuse would be guilty of a major crime, and that
might include some cardinals and possibly retired
pope Benedict, though I hope he follows his
healing circle prescription and thus gets healing of
his Parkinson’s disease and possibly very long life.
I could be wrong about him, and don’t think he is responsible
for any of the the anti-religious-figure black magick, and we
do agree on abortion criminality levels, at least after the
early stages of pregnancy.

But who is responsible for the black magick which drew
on the backing of members of an organized religion (several
separate organized religions)? I don’t know yet. Perhaps
assisted shaktipat recipients in each religion can

Also Ron Hynes, Noel Dinn (who was a songwriter not
a singer/songwriter though perhaps he could sing some),
and Emile Benoit (who I divine was also targeted),
all died of cancer, so I think all the 20,000 were slated
to die of cancer, and some may have it but should
recover soon.

Oh and I said that the seven funnelled (four in my main
funnel component and three in a popthrough funnel sub)
Catholic sacraments would no longer convey
organizational bondage or require worship, but should
still have some intended benefits. But if worship is
desired they should facilitate worship.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And now the angry morning/Gives the early signs of warning/You must face
alone the plans you make/Decisions they will try to break" (Sarah McLachlan)
David Dalton
2021-01-20 14:27:18 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Post by David Dalton
About 6 a.m. this morning I was hit by a black magick spell
that I immediately funnelled and then divined that it was
an anti-religious-leader spell (designed to reduce my
potential as a religious leader). Since in adjusted form
it will now work only on major and extreme criminal
religious leaders, I then thought of my region, thought
of major and extreme criminal religious leaders (those ordained
by human or humans to priest level or equivalent or
higher and other spiritual leaders [including new age
leaders, cult leaders, and gurus] of at least 5000),
thought of the spell that had hit me, and directed it
by imagining a clear sky lightning bolt that I observed
here in St. John’s in I think 1990 and which I somehow
associate with the dead fiddler Rufus Guinchard,
within my region, and then I got a strong closure (P).
Moreover, since past instances of the spell that were
having an ongoing effect were also adjusted, there
was a rebound for medium, major, and extreme
good individuals, mostly women, that the spell had
been on.
OK, my perineum click divination hasn’t been very reliable
over the years, but here are some results from it. There
were about 20,000 individuals globally who rebounded of whom
2000 are not assisted shaktipat recipients, and 1500 of those
are women and 500 are men. Of the 20,000,
18,000 are assisted shaktipat recipients,
A few hours ago I extended an invisible handshake to
the 18,000. I then thought of a “piling on of hands”
of me and the 18,000 which basically would be like
hand contact from each one of us to each other one.
(Before I thought of doing those two things I also sent
an invisible kiss to those few of the 18,000 who are bif
and 18 or older and not closer than second cousin
to me and not involved with another fourth orientation
man and are in my species. And as I mentioned
before, Friday night I sent a taste of Labatt Blue
pilsener beer to the 18,000.)

I divine that Bill Bourne and Alan MacLeod were also
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And now the angry morning/Gives the early signs of warning/You must face
alone the plans you make/Decisions they will try to break" (Sarah McLachlan)
David Dalton
2021-01-20 12:29:53 UTC
Post by David Dalton
About 6 a.m. this morning I was hit by a black magick spell
that I immediately funnelled and then divined that it was
an anti-religious-leader spell (designed to reduce my
potential as a religious leader). Since in adjusted form
it will now work only on major and extreme criminal
religious leaders, I then thought of my region, thought
of major and extreme criminal religious leaders (those ordained
by human or humans to priest level or equivalent or
higher and other spiritual leaders [including new age
leaders, cult leaders, and gurus] of at least 5000),
thought of the spell that had hit me, and directed it
(the adjusted form, with no cancer)
Post by David Dalton
by imagining a clear sky lightning bolt that I observed
here in St. John’s in I think 1990 and which I somehow
associate with the dead fiddler Rufus Guinchard,
within my region, and then I got a strong closure (P).
Moreover, since past instances of the spell that were
having an ongoing effect were also adjusted, there
was a rebound for medium, major, and extreme
good individuals, mostly women, that the spell had
been on.
I have said that the adjusted form will work only on
major criminals and extreme criminals. However
when the instance that hit me and past instances
that were having an ongoing effect were adjusted,
there was a bounce of the adjusted form of the
spell on the ones who cast the spell, and that includes
medium criminals as well as major and extreme criminals.
(So the bounce will work on medium criminals.) Also
since casting the original spell counts as attempted
murder, any who cast the original spell (or who attempt
to cast it in the future) is classed as at least
medium criminal.

So anyway, in addition to the rebound (recovery) of
medium, major, and extreme good individuals that
the original spell had been on, there was and will
continue to be a bounce (the adjusted spell)
applied to those who case the spell (though
unfortunately that does not extend to those who
cast the spell on someone who is now dead...
OK, now it does).

My latest results are in the thread
“47 item assisted shaktipat”
on alt.magick .
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And now the angry morning/Gives the early signs of warning/You must face
alone the plans you make/Decisions they will try to break" (Sarah McLachlan)
David Dalton
2021-01-20 13:44:56 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Moreover, since past instances of the spell that were
having an ongoing effect were also adjusted, there
was a rebound
Post by David Dalton
for medium, major, and extreme
good individuals, mostly women, that the spell had
been on.
Why not minor good and worse? The worst the original
spell had been on was medium good, so it wasn’t
on minor criminal or worse. Again criminality levels
are determined by the committee of Gaia, Sola,
Luna, and Ghuman1, who are the chairs/moderators
or inner circle of the healing circle on my global region
from 13 km below the geoid to 200,000 km above
the geoid.

Happy Bodhi Day (I guess it is Biden day as well).
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And now the angry morning/Gives the early signs of warning/You must face
alone the plans you make/Decisions they will try to break" (Sarah McLachlan)
David Dalton
2021-01-25 03:36:17 UTC
I sadi that there would be a bounce of an adjusted (no cancer,
and possible to get out of by following healing circle
prescription) version of the anti-religious-figure
on living spell casters who had targeted either living
individuals or individuals who are now dead. I also
said there would be recovery of those targeted who
now have cancer, and a resurgence of their careers,
and a resurgence of the careers of others who were targeted.

But also there will be a resurgence in the careers
of those who were targeted who are now dead, going
back as far as 11,000 years ago. So for example
there may be more sales of Ron Hynes CDs, benefiting
his estate, and his messages will be heard, and
more people will cover his songs (and not just
Sonny’s Dream, known as Sonny in Ireland).

Moreover, I have talked about five blocks related
to me and my writing and speaking and actions.
These blocks have not yet been lifted. But there
was also a sixth block, damping the careers of
others recommended by me, and I divine that
that has now been lifted, and it had meant
that some targeted by the anti-religious-figure
spell (e.g. Jim Fidler, Liz Solo) had been subject
to a double whammy.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And now the angry morning/Gives the early signs of warning/You must face
alone the plans you make/Decisions they will try to break" (Sarah McLachlan)
David Dalton
2021-01-25 06:24:55 UTC
Post by David Dalton
About 6 a.m. this morning I was hit by a black magick spell
that I immediately funnelled and then divined that it was
an anti-religious-leader spell (designed to reduce my
potential as a religious leader). Since in adjusted form
it will now work only on major and extreme criminal
religious leaders, I then thought of my region, thought
of major and extreme criminal religious leaders (those ordained
by human or humans to priest level or equivalent or
higher and other spiritual leaders [including new age
leaders, cult leaders, and gurus] of at least 5000),
thought of the spell that had hit me, and directed it
the adjusted form (no cancer)
Post by David Dalton
by imagining a clear sky lightning bolt that I observed
here in St. John’s in I think 1990 and which I somehow
associate with the dead fiddler Rufus Guinchard,
within my region, and then I got a strong closure (P).
Moreover, since past instances of the spell that were
having an ongoing effect were also adjusted, there
was a rebound for medium, major, and extreme
good individuals, mostly women, that the spell had
been on.
I then thought of applying the spell to criminal political
leaders but could not. So I devised a new spell,
basically a visualization of an inversion of the
Great Pyramid inside my region, and applied it to
major and extreme criminal political, military (including
militia/warlord/rebel/terrorist), and corporate leaders
globally, and got a strong closure (P).
Now these were the first improvised big magickal workings
I have done mostly on my own in some time, mostly
lately I have been invoking Gaia, Sola, Luna, and
Ghuman1 to help with old workings that I may have
pushed on my own once but not recently, and basically
I had been going over the same old ground with not
many (but some) improvements. But this morning
after I did the two improvised workings I think I
may have been rewarded with the (same old)
four components material starting to take effect
as well. However, both for the two new inversion
spells and the same old stuff (including the warning
signs for criminals and the charisma modulation)
I will have to wait and see what happens in the
coming days, and indeed will re-evaluate things
tonight as well.
Both the adjusted form (no cancer) of the anti-religious-figure
spell and the pyramid inversion spell (if it works) can be
worked off by the subject’s following his or her healing
circle prescription, which has three options for major
and extreme criminals: (1) a very lenient option not
involving any prison time but involving confession,
and not just to a priest, apology (at a distance) to
victim(s), sometimes compensation to victim(s), and
community service well away from victim(s), where
if murder was involved the murder victim's family and
friends are counted as victims as well, (2) an
intermediate prison time option, still including confession,
(3) if both those options are rejected, death relatively
soon, with warning signs leading up to it and increasing
as the deadline approaches.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And now the angry morning/Gives the early signs of warning/You must face
alone the plans you make/Decisions they will try to break" (Sarah McLachlan)
David Dalton
2021-01-26 01:28:46 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Both the adjusted form (no cancer) of the anti-religious-figure
spell and the pyramid inversion spell (if it works)
now instead the adjusted form (no suicide) o fthe
anti-political-figure spell
Post by David Dalton
can be
worked off by the subject’s following his or her healing
circle prescription, which has three options for major
and extreme criminals: (1) a very lenient option not
involving any prison time but involving confession,
and not just to a priest, apology (at a distance) to
victim(s), sometimes compensation to victim(s), and
community service well away from victim(s), where
if murder was involved the murder victim's family and
friends are counted as victims as well, (2) an
intermediate prison time option, still including confession,
(3) if both those options are rejected, death relatively
soon, with warning signs leading up to it and increasing
as the deadline approaches.
However assisted shaktipat recipients, who are now very
powerful in their ability to do white magick, which could
include a hex on the very criminal, might not be as
lenient as I have tried to be if they or one of their loved
ones are targeted or have been targeted by black magick
(not just the anti-religious-figure spell and
anti-political-figure spells). But I would prefer not
to have a cycle of revenge. Also when I said
confession above I include confession of black magick,
even though black magickians are probably very
reluctant to do such.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And now the angry morning/Gives the early signs of warning/You must face
alone the plans you make/Decisions they will try to break" (Sarah McLachlan)
David Dalton
2021-01-25 17:35:43 UTC
Post by David Dalton
About 6 a.m. this morning I was hit by a black magick spell
that I immediately funnelled and then divined that it was
an anti-religious-leader spell (designed to reduce my
potential as a religious leader). Since in adjusted form
it will now work only on major and extreme criminal
religious leaders, I then thought of my region, thought
of major and extreme criminal religious leaders (those ordained
by human or humans to priest level or equivalent or
higher and other spiritual leaders [including new age
leaders, cult leaders, and gurus] of at least 5000),
thought of the spell that had hit me, and directed it
by imagining a clear sky lightning bolt that I observed
here in St. John’s in I think 1990 and which I somehow
associate with the dead fiddler Rufus Guinchard,
within my region, and then I got a strong closure (P).
Moreover, since past instances of the spell that were
having an ongoing effect were also adjusted, there
was a rebound for medium, major, and extreme
good individuals, mostly women, that the spell had
been on.
I then thought of applying the spell to criminal political
leaders but could not. So I devised a new spell,
basically a visualization of an inversion of the
Great Pyramid inside my region, and applied it to
major and extreme criminal political, military (including
militia/warlord/rebel/terrorist), and corporate leaders
globally, and got a strong closure (P).
Now these were the first improvised big magickal workings
I have done mostly on my own in some time, mostly
lately I have been invoking Gaia, Sola, Luna, and
Ghuman1 to help with old workings that I may have
pushed on my own once but not recently, and basically
I had been going over the same old ground with not
many (but some) improvements. But this morning
after I did the two improvised workings I think I
may have been rewarded with the (same old)
four components material starting to take effect
as well. However, both for the two new inversion
spells and the same old stuff (including the warning
signs for criminals and the charisma modulation)
I will have to wait and see what happens in the
coming days, and indeed will re-evaluate things
tonight as well.
OK, the pyramid inversion spell didn’t work.

But late last night/early this morning I posted the following

"Alexey Navalny documentary

Forwarded/shared from alt.buddha.short.fat.guy :

Alexey Navalny barely survived being poisoned on Vladimir Putin’s
orders. Predictably, as soon as he returned to Russia, he was
arrested. But he arranged for this documentary to be released:

to 25 newsgroups including soc.rights.human .

Then not long after I had gone to sleep, I think around
six a.m. this morning (0930 UTC) someone hit me
with an anti-political-leader spell in my sleep which
woke me up. I then funnelled it. The original form
includes induction of depression eventually leading
to suicide and the adjusted form does not include
suicide plus it can be worked off by the subject following
his or her healing circle prescription. Again the
adjusted form bounced onto those who have cast
the spell on the living or on the now dead and on
any who may have ordered it (and note that the
bounce of the adjusted form of the anti-religious-figure spell
also now has gone to those who ordered it). And
I then did a direction of the adjusted form of the
anti-political-leader spell onto those I had attempted
the pyramid inversion spell on who the bounce
had not gone to. In this direction I couldn’t use the
lightning bolt visualization again but instead visualized
Raven Alan MacLeod serenading his mentor Finbar
Furey on his highland warpipes at The Railway Club in
Vancouver I think in 1994 after a Fureys/Irish Descendants
concert at The Commodore Ballroom a few blocks away.

How many living someones was the original anti-political-leader
spell on? I divined 5 million, and it still rounds to
5 million if just humans are included. And less
than a half hour ago I did a piling on of hands/
mesh handshake visualization involving me and
the 5 million. And again the 5 million are at least
medium good, and about 70,000 of them are
assisted shaktipat recipients. And the 5 million
should recover from any depression and
experience a resurgence in their careers.

Now I will get some brunch. :-)
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And now the angry morning/Gives the early signs of warning/You must face
alone the plans you make/Decisions they will try to break" (Sarah McLachlan)
David Dalton
2021-01-25 18:21:16 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Post by David Dalton
About 6 a.m. this morning I was hit by a black magick spell
that I immediately funnelled and then divined that it was
an anti-religious-leader spell (designed to reduce my
potential as a religious leader). Since in adjusted form
it will now work only on major and extreme criminal
religious leaders, I then thought of my region, thought
of major and extreme criminal religious leaders (those ordained
by human or humans to priest level or equivalent or
higher and other spiritual leaders [including new age
leaders, cult leaders, and gurus] of at least 5000),
thought of the spell that had hit me, and directed it
by imagining a clear sky lightning bolt that I observed
here in St. John’s in I think 1990 and which I somehow
associate with the dead fiddler Rufus Guinchard,
within my region, and then I got a strong closure (P).
Moreover, since past instances of the spell that were
having an ongoing effect were also adjusted, there
was a rebound for medium, major, and extreme
good individuals, mostly women, that the spell had
been on.
I then thought of applying the spell to criminal political
leaders but could not. So I devised a new spell,
basically a visualization of an inversion of the
Great Pyramid inside my region, and applied it to
major and extreme criminal political, military (including
militia/warlord/rebel/terrorist), and corporate leaders
globally, and got a strong closure (P).
Now these were the first improvised big magickal workings
I have done mostly on my own in some time, mostly
lately I have been invoking Gaia, Sola, Luna, and
Ghuman1 to help with old workings that I may have
pushed on my own once but not recently, and basically
I had been going over the same old ground with not
many (but some) improvements. But this morning
after I did the two improvised workings I think I
may have been rewarded with the (same old)
four components material starting to take effect
as well. However, both for the two new inversion
spells and the same old stuff (including the warning
signs for criminals and the charisma modulation)
I will have to wait and see what happens in the
coming days, and indeed will re-evaluate things
tonight as well.
OK, the pyramid inversion spell didn’t work.
But late last night/early this morning I posted the following
"Alexey Navalny documentary
Alexey Navalny barely survived being poisoned on Vladimir Putin’s
orders. Predictably, as soon as he returned to Russia, he was
http://youtu.be/ipAnwilMncI “
to 25 newsgroups including soc.rights.human .
Then not long after I had gone to sleep, I think around
six a.m. this morning (0930 UTC) someone hit me
with an anti-political-leader spell in my sleep which
woke me up. I then funnelled it. The original form
includes induction of depression eventually leading
to suicide and the adjusted form does not include
suicide plus it can be worked off by the subject following
his or her healing circle prescription. Again the
adjusted form bounced onto those who have cast
the spell on the living or on the now dead and on
any who may have ordered it (and note that the
bounce of the adjusted form of the anti-religious-figure spell
also now has gone to those who ordered it). And
I then did a direction of the adjusted form of the
anti-political-leader spell onto those I had attempted
the pyramid inversion spell on who the bounce
had not gone to. In this direction I couldn’t use the
lightning bolt visualization again but instead visualized
Raven Alan MacLeod serenading his mentor Finbar
Furey on his highland warpipes at The Railway Club in
Vancouver I think in 1994 after a Fureys/Irish Descendants
concert at The Commodore Ballroom a few blocks away.
How many living someones was the original anti-political-leader
spell on? I divined 5 million, and it still rounds to
5 million if just humans are included. And less
than a half hour ago I did a piling on of hands/
mesh handshake visualization involving me and
the 5 million. And again the 5 million are at least
medium good, and about 70,000 of them are
assisted shaktipat recipients. And the 5 million
should recover from any depression and
experience a resurgence in their careers.
Now I will get some brunch. :-)
The anti-political-leader spell was on about
15,000 native and tribal chiefs, and about
4 million protestors/activists.

As in the case of the anti-religious-leader spell,
the career resurgence should extend to those
who are now dead, theoretically going back as
long as 11,000 years ago (the same time
span of the popthroughs). So e.g. Jack Layton’s
messages (both spells were on him) should
experiences a resurgence.

In this thread I think I said I did a piling on of hands
visualization for me and the 18,000. But as I
note in the “Arianrhod’s blessings” thread just
on alt.religion.druid, I later did one involving me
and the 20,000, so including the 2000 who are
not assisted shaktipat recipients, and I think that
one worked. Similarly above I did one involving
the 5 million, not just a.s.r. among them. But
note that a good while ago I also did a mesh
handshake of me and designated assisted
shaktipat recipients. The 20,000 one and
the 5 million one are not stronger but there is
reinforcement among the 18,000 and the
70,000 who are a.s.r., if that makes sense.

Again I am mostly posting updates just to
alt.religion.druid now but this is also going still
to alt.magick and some other groups since it
is a continuation of an old thread.

I wish I could have some feedback.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And now the angry morning/Gives the early signs of warning/You must face
alone the plans you make/Decisions they will try to break" (Sarah McLachlan)
David Dalton
2021-01-25 20:16:12 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Then not long after I had gone to sleep, I think around
six a.m. this morning (0930 UTC) someone hit me
with an anti-political-leader spell in my sleep which
woke me up. I then funnelled it. The original form
includes induction of depression eventually leading
to suicide and the adjusted form does not include
suicide plus it can be worked off by the subject following
his or her healing circle prescription. Again the
adjusted form bounced onto those who have cast
the spell on the living or on the now dead and on
any who may have ordered it (and note that the
bounce of the adjusted form of the anti-religious-figure spell
also now has gone to those who ordered it). And
I then did a direction of the adjusted form of the
anti-political-leader spell onto those I had attempted
the pyramid inversion spell on who the bounce
had not gone to. In this direction I couldn’t use the
lightning bolt visualization again but instead visualized
Raven Alan MacLeod serenading his mentor Finbar
Furey on his highland warpipes at The Railway Club in
Vancouver I think in 1994 after a Fureys/Irish Descendants
concert at The Commodore Ballroom a few blocks away.
Happy Robbie Burns Day!
Post by David Dalton
How many living someones was the original anti-political-leader
spell on? I divined 5 million, and it still rounds to
5 million if just humans are included. And less
than a half hour ago I did a piling on of hands/
mesh handshake visualization involving me and
the 5 million. And again the 5 million are at least
medium good, and about 70,000 of them are
assisted shaktipat recipients. And the 5 million
should recover from any depression and
experience a resurgence in their careers.
Of the about 5 million, about 700,000 are atheists.

Also about 4000 individuals are in both the 18,000
and the 70,000 so there is even further
mesh handshake/piling on of hands
reinforcement for them (from the all a.s.r.
mesh handshake, the 20,000 mesh
handshake, and the 5 million mesh handshake
all overlapping). Just to reinforce that further
I just did another mesh handshake of me
and the 4000.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And now the angry morning/Gives the early signs of warning/You must face
alone the plans you make/Decisions they will try to break" (Sarah McLachlan)